Useful Links
The following is a list useful links that we have compiled. If you wish to be added to this list, please send us an e-mail.
Our African American sister site of African American Sororities, Organizations, and Churches.
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Description: The New York Public Library's digital collection of African-American literary and cultural history.
Category: Society > History > By Region > North America > United States > Women
Spelman College is an excellent resource for African American Women's History.
Mary Holmes College is an excellent resource for African American Women's History.
Excellent site for historical pictures.
Excellent site for historical pictures.
Excelllent site for Collections of African American Women's history.
The AFRO-American Almanac, is an on-line presentation of the African in America. A historical perspective of a nation, its people, and its cultural evolution. From the beginning of the slave trade through the Civil Rights movement, to the present. Information that will give you a better understanding of the problems we face today as a nation.
Just key in African American Women and find several resouces and websites.
This is the complete online ebook of Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, by Harriet Jacobs. The ebook contains pictures and glossary at the click of your mouse!
Our website African American Women is featured and listed on this website. Look to the left near the top of the page under the alphabet "A"
We hope that these links will be helpful